◆カレルエフェクト – バージョン1&バージョン2
クリストファー・カレルからメッセージ①: カレルエフェクト バージョン2
※カレルエフェクト バージョン1およびバージョン2は修了いたしました。
◆Newカレルエフェクト – CE & CE-HD
セッションのサウンドも再生システムも全て変わり、より洗練されよりパワフルになりました。名前もカレルエフェクト(CE)になります。詳細は「トランスフォーメーション・ツールズ – 2015年のプロジェクト」をご覧ください。
CE体験談 – CEX〜現在まで
Christopher Currell has combined the knowledge and discoveries from over 25 years research into the nature of the human consciousness and vibration into an experience called “The Currell Effect.” The presentation of the Currell Effect utilizes high quality auditory display system.
These sessions are designed so that each person can connect to the universe and have his/her own hyper-dimensional experience from the harmonic resonance of the sound and music.
The Currell Effect takes the best elements of all the knowledge Christopher has been offering in the past few years. We hope the participants will experience this repeatedly as part of their spiritual evolvement process since every performance and the experience will be different depending on the spiritual states they are in.
♦︎Currell Effect – Version 1 & Version 2
The Currell Effect started on November 23, 2012, followed by sessions in Kobe, Okinawa and a return visit to Tokyo in February. We had over 300 participants after total of 12 day and this series ended with a great success. The Currell Effect Version 2 started on May, 2013 at Ashiya, followed by Tokyo in July.
CE version 1 and version 2 are experienced in an intimate setting of private sessions consisting of one to ten people. Christopher’s improvised sound/music allows the participant to maintain a connection to the universe.
Christopher Currell is explaining what is new and different about version 2 in the message below.
A Message from Christopher Currell (1): Currell Effect Version 2
Christopher recently has written more detailed information about the Currell Effect. If you are interested in the technical aspects as well as the reason for the new registration check sheet, please take a look at the link below.
A Message from Christopher Currell (2)
NOTE: Currell Effect version 1 and version 2 are no longer available.
♦︎CEX ~ Currell Effect X
In June, 2014, the Currell Effect made a major advancement. The ultimate “Currell Effect X” or CEX made a full house debut in Tokyo on June 2014. Everything has changed. Please see the “Release Information” by Christopher Currell.
♦︎New Currell Effect – CE & CE-HD
In March, 2015, the Currell Effect once again made another big advancement. The audio content and the playback system has totally changed. It is more powerful and more refined.
Thanks to the advancement in technology, we were able to provide the CE session using a high quality yet portable headphone system, which provides the quality necessary to invoke the CE process. This allows us to to provide the CE session at more affordable price.
We are also providing an CE-HD sessions using the best headphone system in the world, which was used for CEX.
♦︎Currell Effect Practitioner Program (CEPP)
In August, 2015, Transformation Tools launched the Currell Effect Practitioner Program, which will make available trained practitioners that can easily deliver the Currell Effect.
A certified CE practitioner will have his/her own portable high definition CE playback system, which can deliver the CE process easily to anyone who wishes to do it.
Having many CE practitioners throughout Japan including Okinawa and then throughout the world will provide more opportunities for people to experience CE. Please contact TT office if you are interested in the CEPP.
Information on CEPP
CEP Profile Page
The goal of Transformation Tools is to provide tools to help expand people’s consciousness. And the most powerful tool is the Currell Effect. Please come to the CE session!
Please contact tt_office@ishwish.net for more information.