Currell Effect – カレルエフェクト













【CEセッション リクエスト】




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CE体験談 – CEX〜現在まで

「 音楽によってビジュアライゼーションができるというレベルではなく、もっと深いバイブレーションと一体化できる体験でした。普通の瞑想時に見るビジュアルより、美しく芸術的なビジョンが見えましたが、それは自分が音をどう感じているかの象徴でしかなく、それとは別に多くの情報が宇宙から流れこんでくるのを感じました。音によって宇宙と完全に一体化できる体験肉体、時空、五感を超えたこの体験は本当にすばらしかったです。」

宇宙空間にいる、というか、私が宇宙なんだ、と目からウロコが落ちるような感覚、からだが自然に揺れた。人間に、肉体の中に生まれる前は、無限のスペースの一部として、存在していたのかもしれない。あまりにもなつかしく、うれしい気持ち。とにかく、居心地のよい世界だった。… 無になるとひとつになれる。… 時間からも解き放たれたのか、あっという間だった。 とてもとても美しい体験でした。感謝!」

「 ヘッドホンをつけてすぐに音が流れはじめるのですが、その音と同時に地震が起きたような感覚。それが波だと気づき、波に乗るように身を任せました。 オーロラが頭のなかにずっとあって、特にエメラルドグリーンが体に入ってくるような感覚でした。他にも身体が熱くなったり、足がビリビリしたりしました。宇宙の波にのる感覚、とても興味深いものでした。」

「ヘッドホンから聴こえてくる音、バイブレーションによって、さまざまな映像だったり、立体的な空間にいるような感覚が生まれることが凄いと思った。無心になるという体験は、坐禅を体験したときに次いで2回目で、今回のほうが音の助けを借りてeasyだった気がする。身を聴こえてくる世界にそのまままかせて、リラックスできた時間になりました。 」


「 始めに、体のあちこちにピリピリする感覚と手の平でエネルギーが動くのを感じていました。その後、宇宙にいるような感じで、自分の肉体がないような手足を感じないような感覚になり、意識がどこまでもどこまでも拡大していくのを感じていました。そして地球に戻ってきて、林や小道、森や海とすごい速さでかけ抜けていきました。自分がバイブレーションだと感じました。自分がリズムを打ち、全てのリズムと調和し、全てがひとつ、そんな感覚です。」


Welcome to Currell Effect!

“Sound is a vibration. Like sound, the universe is also vibration.
All knowledge we seek resides there. All we have to do is listen.”

Christopher Currell is the founder of the Currell Effect. He always reminds people that “Everything is a vibration.”

By listening to the sound vibrations created by Christopher, listeners can resonate and connect to the vibration of the universe and experience journeys through the universe, different times and dimensions. The Currell Effect is a very powerful sound session, which helps people expand their consciousness.

What is Currell Effect (CE)?

CE is NOT:
… a specific musical experience.
… a sound healing technology.
… a guided meditation.
… a method by which the participant is told what to do or is evaluated.
… a mental therapy.

… a specific sound experience.
… a technology which helps the participant expand their awareness and consciousness.
… entirely based on the participant’s own experiences. All experiences within a CE session are directly related to, and created by the participant himself.
… is an environment in which the spirit can play using unlimited creativity.
… a method whereby the participant makes his/her own choices and decisions about the events they experience.

The benefits of the Currell Effect:
・Stress relief both physically and mentally.
・Happier and a better sense of well being.
・Expanded viewpoints on life.
・Gain the ability to make more choices.
・Gain the ability to view life more clearly and objectively.
・A quieter less busy mind.
・Higher awareness.
・Dissolves mental programs and fixed ideas that restrict one’s life activities.

About Currell Effect

The journey ultimately begins and ends with you.
We welcome you to join us on this amazing adventure!

Infinite Possibilities…

Transformation Tools

*Please contact TT Office if you are interested in taking the CE session.
TT Office:

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CE Experiences – up-to-date (only partially translated)

CE Experiences – from earlier versions (Japanese only)
Below are few of the experiences.
“This was not on the level of having a visualization by listening to music. It was rather an experience of becoming one with much deeper vibration. Visuals were unlike the images I usually see during my meditation. It was more beautiful and artistic. It was not a representation of how I was sensing the sound. It was something different and I could feel that many information from the universe were flowing in. Depending on the sound, I could experience being totally one with the universe. It goes beyond physical body, time and space and our five senses. This experience was just wonderful.”

I was in the universe… or I should say I was the universe. It was quite an eye opening sensation and my body naturally started to swing. Before I came to this body, being born as a human being, I may have existed as a part of infinite space. It felt so familiar and joyful. Anyway, it was a very comfortable world. When you can be in the state of void, you can become one. Time went by very quickly as if I was disconnected from time. It was a very very beautiful experience. Thank you!”

“As soon as I had my headphones on, I could hear the sound. But I had a sensation of experiencing an earthquake tougher with the sound. I realized that it was a wave, so I decided to let myself go and ride the wave. I could see aurora in my head all the time, and it felt like emerald green light were entering into my body. My body also got very hot and my feet had electrical sensations. A sense of riding a wave of universe. It was very interesting.”

“Sounds coming out from the headphones created various images and gave a sense of being in a three dimensional space, and I thought this was amazing. I had an experience of being in a state of emptiness during a zen meditation and this was my second time. I think sound was helpful for me to attain this state easier this time. I let myself go to the world created by sound. I had a very relaxing time.”

I had a very interesting experience where I did not have a body but I existed. I felt that the body is just a tool that acknowledges a small part of the outer world/information and it is a very tiny vehicle. I found it interesting to feel my cells resonate.”

“At first, I felt the electrical sensation running throughout my body and energy moving through my palms. Then, I felt like I was in the universe. It was as if I did not have a body and could not feel my hands and feet. I was feeling my consciousness expanded endlessly. Then, I returned to earth. I was moving through the woods, small trails, forest and ocean at a very fast speed. I felt that I am a vibration. I was beating a rhythm and all the rhythm were in harmony and everything was one. That was the senses I had.”

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