よくある質問 ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Q: カレルエフェクトを受ける前に、何か気を付けることはありますか?
A: セッションはかなりパワフルな体験になるため、参加は1日1回までとし、繰り返し受ける場合は別の日にご予約ください。セッションを受ける前の心得として下記をお勧めします。
Q: なぜ申込みフォームにチェックシートがあるのですか?NEW
A: カレルエフェクト バージョン2(CEv2)を体験することで参加者の意識を効果的に高めるには、参加者は精神的にも肉体的にも健康な状態である必要があります。CEは本来ヒーリング手法ではなく、参加者が宇宙と共鳴するようにデザインされています。またCEは音楽でもなく、サウンドバイブレーションが量子ポテンシャルにハーモニック(倍音)共鳴を作り出すようにデザインされています。
Q: カレルエフェクト バージョン2(CEv2)はなくなったのですか?NEW
A: 今ご体験いただけるセッションは全てのカレルエフェクト バージョン2(CEv2)になったため、バージョン1や2と区別する必要がなくなりました。従って今後は「カレルエフェクト」と表記させていただきます。
Q: グループセッションとプライベートセッションの違いは何ですか?
A: カレルエフェクトは、まずバイブレーションチューニングから始まります。クリストファーは参加者や周りのバイブレーションを感じ、即興演奏で調和させていきます。ある程度の調和が保たれると宇宙とのチャネルが開きカレルエフェクトが始まります。
Q: カレルエフェクトを体験した後、帰りはフワフワと漂っている感じが続き、家に戻って少し目眩や吐き気がしましたが、一体何が起きているのでしょうか?
A: ご安心ください。好転反応です。
Q: セッション中に寝てしまいましたが、カレルエフェクトを体験できなかったのでしょうか?
A: 体験できていますので、ご安心ください。
Q: セッション中体に痛みを感じたのですが、終わったら消えていました。何が起きたのでしょうか?
A: バイブレーションチューニングで波動調整を行うことで、参加者は「今」の瞬間に意識が向くようになります。例えば、今まで働き過ぎだったりストレスが原因で体に負担をかけていた場合、マインドが忙しく働き過ぎて体を無視した状況が長く続き、そのような状態に慣れてしまっていたのですが、カレルエフェクトのセッション中、意識が今の状態になるため、体の痛みやストレスに気付く場合があります。そのような体験をした方は、改めてご自分のライフスタイルを見直す良いきっかけになれば嬉しく思います。
Q: 私はセッション中何もイメージが見えなかったのですが、カレルエフェクトを体験できたのでしょうか?
A: 皆さん一人一人が違うように、カレルエフェクトの体験も各自固有のものです。従って、必ずしも全員イメージが見えるわけではありませんし、見える方が優れた体験だということでもありません。視覚より他の感性が発達している方もいらっしゃいます。何かを感じたり、聞こえたりするのも大切な体験です。但し、頭・マインドで解釈しようとすると、ご自分と体験の間にバリアができてしまいます。頭の思考や雑念に捕われるより、いろいろなバイブレーションをただ単にハートで感じて探求してください。
Q: カレルエフェクトのCDはiTunesなどにインポートしてiPodやiPhoneで聞いても音質は変わりませんか?
A: iTunesにCDをインポートする際にどのファイルフォーマットでインポートするかにより、随分とクオリティが変わってしまいます。iTunesの初期設定は圧縮ファイルのフォーマットになっているため、そのままインポートしてしまうと多くの効果が減少してしまいます。
Q: Is there anything I should do before attending the Currell Effect?
A: The session will be quite a powerful experience. Therefore, one can attend one session a day. Please take other sessions on a different day. Below is our recommended preparation before the session.
・Please get enough sleep and rest the night before the session.
・Please refrain from drinking alcohol the day before the session.
・Please refrain from taking drugs; such as pain killers, on the day of the session.
・Please eat light meals before the session.
・Make sure you are relaxed and mentally and physically healthy with no stress.
・Please avoid driving immediately after the session.
Q: Why the check sheet?NEW
A: For CEv2 to be effective in elevating consciousness, the participant needs to be in both mentally and physically in good shape. CE is NOT a healing methodology per se, it is designed to resonate you with the universe. CE is NOT music, it is sound vibrations designed to create harmonic resonance of the quantum potential.
If a person needs spiritual, mental of physical healing, that is the prerequisite for doing CEv2. If a person is on drugs, or medication, has depression, or anything else that prevents him from being stable both physically and mentally, they are not yet ready to do CEv2. The most important steps toward doing CE are to get the person’s problems handled first. If a person does CEv2 and has any of these problems, the person could have a negative physical or mental experience. Although there is nothing unnatural about the CE process and there is no permanent damage that can be done, the participant can still experience a temporary discomfort. It is not my intention to give a person a perceived negative effect.
For example: There are gradient steps to learning how to fly an airplane. One would not attempt to fly a plane the first time in the pilots seat! The negative effect could be crashing the airplane!
For those of you that have heard me talk at lectures and seminars know that I emphasize connecting the dots in the correct order for a person to properly understand and apply the data being discussed. The same applies to CE. To help people with the correct sequence of steps, I have implemented a check sheet for people to fill out. This will help determine the correct steps for each person. I want each participant to get the maximum benefit of CE as possible. It is my intention to deliver CE to anyone who wants the experience. But please understand that there are gradient steps to achieving a meaningful and rewarding experience with CE. Good mental and physical health is a priority and part of the essential gradient steps toward the CE experience and connecting with the universe.
Please note, it is outside of the purpose and goal of CE to heal or recommend any type of healing methodology. That is the participants’ responsibility.
I hope this helps.
Q: What happened to the Currell Effect Version 2(CEv2)?NEW
A: We are now providing CE version 2(CEv2)only. Therefore, we do not need to make a distinction between version 1 and 2. All the sessions will be called “Currell Effect.”
Q: What are the differences between the group session and the private session?
A: The Currell Effect session starts from the vibration tuning. Christopher senses the vibration of the participants and the environment and bring them to harmony through improvised performance. Once the harmony is attained, the channel to the universe opens and the Currell Effect begins.
In case of a group session, the vibration tuning and the Currell Effect will be an overall average of all the participants. In case of a private session, a participant(s) will be reserving one session; therefore, the vibration tuning and the Currell Effect will be more focused and the experiences will be more personal and powerful. The private session can be for only one person or can be together with family members or friends who share similar sensitivities.
Price of the private session will be 100,000 yen/hour (up to seven people).
Q: After experiencing the Currell Effect, I felt like I was floating and drifting, and I felt slight dizziness and nausea when I returned home. Why did I experience this?
A: This is a positive reaction, so please do not be concerned.
Simply put, when one goes through a vibrational sift of consciousness, the physical body takes time to keep up with the shift because the body is more dense. How each person feels the shift from one vibrational pattern to anther varies, but it is normal for people to feel disoriented when this kind of shift occurs. The symptom is similar to slight motion sickness but you will gradually get used to the new vibration and those physical effects will go away.
Q: I fell asleep during the session. Does this mean that I did not experience the Currell Effect?
A: Rest assured, you did not miss anything!
The response is related to the above question. The vibration of consciousness shifts very fast, but the vibration of the physical body is very dense and cannot keep up with the speed of the shift. Everyone experiences this shift differently. Sometimes the body shuts down and feeling tingling sensation running through the body, feeling heat or cold, etc. Even if the body shuts down and falls asleep, consciousness is still experiencing the Currell Effect. Therefore, the effect of the session continues after the session has finished. If you encounter a vibrational pattern that was similar to the vibrational pattern you experienced during the Currell Effect session, you may recall something or may experience something you were not aware of then. When this happens, please do not use your mind and try to think or analyze. Instead, just feel. Unexpected doors may open!
Q: I felt physical pain during the session which went away when the session finished. Why did I feel the pain?
A: The process of the vibrational tuning brings the participants’ consciousness to the present moment. For instance, one person may be straining his/her body due to overwork or stress, but if the mind is too busy working and ignoring the physical body too long, one could get used to that condition. However, during the Currell Effect, one becomes aware of the pain and the stress because consciousness is focused to the moment of now. It will be wonderful if such experiences could help the participants become aware of what is going on in their lives and review their lifestyles.
Q: I could not see any images during the session, but was I still experiencing the Currell Effect?
A: Just like we are all different, each person’s experience of the Currell Effect is unique and different. Therefore, not everybody sees images. This does not mean that people who have visual experiences are superior than those who do not have such experiences. Some people have developed other sensitivities than visuals. Just feeling, sensing or hearing things are also very important experiences. However, if you try to analyze such experiences with mind, you end up creating a barrier between yourself and the experience. Therefore, instead of being caught up with thoughts in your mind, please try to feel the vibration from the heart and explore!
Q: Is the sound quality of the Currell Effect CD the same when I import to the iTunes to listen on my iPod or iPhone?
A: The sound quality changes greatly depending on which file format you choose to import the CDs into iTunes. The default setting for the iTunes is a compressed file format; therefore, you will lose a large amount of effect if you import without choosing the correct uncompressed format.
The Currell Effect CD contains more information than a regular audio CD. In the compressed format, data will be removed and reduced to 1/10, and as a result, the experience will be reduced. Therefore, please chose the non-compressed WAV format in the iTunes Import Settings. The file size is about 10 times larger than the compressed format, but the quality of the WAV format is the same as the regular audio CD. When you listen to the Currell Effect, please listen directly from the CD or import in the non-compressed WAV format.
Please see below for how to change the import setting.