Currell Effect – カレルエフェクト


This article was written on 22. 5., 2013, and is filled under Messages~メッセージ, News.

A Message from Christopher Currell-クリストファー・カレルからのメッセージ②



カレルエフェクト バージョン2 – 2013年5月13日


間もなくカレルエフェクト バージョン2が芦屋と東京で開催されるため、大切な情報を皆さんとシェアしたいと思います。既にCEv2にオンラインで申込んでいただいた方は、申込みフォームが少し変更されたことに気付かれた方もいると思います。何故CEv1のフォームと違うのだろうと思っておられる方も多いでしょう。その理由を出来るだけ簡単でクリアに説明する一方、参考になるような情報も提供したいと思います。CEバージョン2はバージョン1と比べて全てが変わりました。CEv2はv1よりもよりパワフルで高いバイブレーションになり、オーディオのクオリティーも倍になりました!



これらのバイブレーションパターンは量子レベルで存在します。実際、これらのバイブレーションによる指示パターンは量子真空に存在します。これが超マイクロコズムの世界です。事実、量子とは存在しうる最も小さい何かを意味します。これがいかに小さいかを参考までにお知らせしましょう。最も小さい波長**はプランク長と呼ばれていて、実際の長さは1.616199(97)×10-35 mです。












膨大な経験の記憶がハイパースペースに保存されているため、顕在マインドでは直接観測できません。これらの記憶を顕在マインドに引き出すには、量子しきい値(プランク長)を超えるだけの強い共鳴エネルギーが必要になりなります。CEはサウンドバイブレーションを使って、ハイパースペースのバイブレーションパターンと共鳴(ハーモニクス、オクターブなど)を作り出します。CEのサウンドパターンがハイパースペースのバイブレーションパターンと一致(共鳴)したとき、そのパターンのエネルギーが活性化し、量子しきい値を超えて顕在マインドで観測できるようになります。この情報は人間の知覚(視覚、聴覚、触角、味覚、臭覚など)をとおして現れます。実は人間の知覚は5感以上… 57感もあります!これらの知覚の組み合わせによって、私達は3次元世界の現実感を作り出します。ある意味で、超仮想現実です!
















**波長とは何かを示した画像です(下記のサイトの”Images for wavelength”をクリックしてください)。


注)カレルエフェクト バージョン1は修了いたしました。全てのセッションはバージョン2になります。

Currell Effect Version 2 – May 13, 2013

Hello everyone!

Since the Currell Effect V2 Ashiya and Tokyo are coming soon, I thought I would share with you some important information. If you have signed up for CEv2, you will have noticed some changes in the online reservation form. Many of you are probably wondering why this has changed since CEv1. I will try to explain as simply and clearly yet, as informative as I can. Everything about CEv2 has changed since V1. CEv2 is more powerful and higher vibration than v1. Even the audio quality has doubled!

First, some CE related technical data.

Everything is a vibration. Everything that exists (matter, space, energy and time) has a vibrational information pattern embedded within. These vibrational patterns are essentially the instruction set that determines how the physical universe manifests.*

These vibrational patterns exist at the quantum level. Actually, these vibrational instructional patterns exist in the quantum vacuum itself. This is the world of the super microcosm. In fact, the word quanta means the smallest piece of something that can exist. To give you an idea of just how small this is, here is the actual measurement of the smallest wavelength** called the Planck Length:

1.616199(97)×10-35 meters

This is a very very small length!

Anything smaller than this length is unobservable…even in theory! These unobservable states could be called virtual states, hyperspace or the zero point vacuum. I prefer to call it hyperspace. It is in this realm where these vibrational informational patterns exist. The truth is, at this level, these vibrational patterns exist only as is consciousness itself that determines if these potentials manifest or not.

As we know in standard physics, when two wave patterns that are exactly the same come together, it’s energy doubles. This process is called constructive interference or resonance.

When any vibrational pattern gets significantly energized by resonance (scanned by consciousness), it breaches the quantum threshold (Planck Length) and becomes observable or “manifests” into our physical world. This resonance is caused by combining together a vibrational pattern that is very similar or exactly the same as a pattern in hyperspace.

What does this have to do with CE?

CE uses sound waves as a reference beam to resonate with similar or duplicate patterns that are contained in hyperspace. The process is very similar to holography. It also uses a technique called modulation. Modulation is the process whereby some characteristic of one wave (i.e. sound) is varied in accordance with some characteristic of another wave (i.e. light).

The human body system is a transmitter and receiver of vibrational patterns. These patterns are electromagnetic in nature (light). The thoughts, feelings, emotions and our perception of the physical world around us are transmitted and received by the body (cells, DNA, nervous system, brain, heart etc.)

The hub for the reception and transmission of information is mind. Mind is not your brain…it is an energetic construct (non-physical machine) which acts as an interpreter between you (spirit) and the physical universe.

Basically there are two states of mind. The conscious mind and the unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind is really conscious…in other words, there is all kinds of activity and thought processes that are going on in there but these activities are not directly accessible to your conscious mind. Yet, the results of these activities can and do manifest into the physical universe. There is far more activity going on in the unconscious mind than in the conscious mind. I would even suggest that most of the manifestations occurring in our reality comes from collective agreement within collective unconscious minds.

It is in the unconscious mind that a connection to hyperspace is made. It could be said that herein is the gateway to where all knowledge and experience is stored as vibrational patterns in hyperspace. Some call this the A field or the Akashic Record. Hyperspace is filled with vibrational information patterns that appear to be total random noise, but in actual fact is really chaos. Chaos is hidden order within such complexity that it appears to be random noise.***

Memory of your experiences is contained as vibrational patterns in hyperspace. As a side note…the link that connects you to your memories instead of someone else’s memories are distinguished by a kind of watermark…it is called Date and Locate. Your specific memories can be accessed by identifying its date its location.

Since the vast amount of memories of your experiences are stored in hyperspace, they are not directly observable by the conscious mind. To bring these memories into the conscious mind, they need significant resonant energy for them to breach the quantum threshold (Planck Length). CE uses sound vibration to create a resonance (harmonics, octaves etc.) with vibrational patterns in hyperspace. When a CE sound pattern matches (resonates) a vibrational pattern in hyperspace, that pattern is energized, then it breaches the quantum threshold and becomes observable by conscious mind. That information manifests via human perceptions…(sight, sound, touch, taste, smell etc) Actually there are many more than these five. There are actually 57! It is these combined human perceptions that create our sense of reality of a three dimensional world. A kind of super virtual reality!

CE creates a specific range of vibrational patterns that potentially can resonate with a person’s own unconscious vibrational patterns. When the participant resonates with a CE vibration, it is because there is a connection to a similar vibrational pattern hidden hyperspatially within the unconscious mind. For CE to work, the participant must first become one with the CE sound vibrations. To do this, requires the individual to be in good health both physically and mentally. The participant must also have focus and clarity. This is the reason for the vibrational tuning just prior to the actual Currell Effect.

Now these hyperspatial patterns can represent anything in the physical universe. These patterns when energized will be available to the conscious mind via the human perceptions. During the initial CE process, these vibrational patterns, manifesting via the 57 human perceptions, can seem to be quite real! Since everyone has different experiences in the universe, they are unique to each individual. In other words, each person will have a different experience….they cannot be compared in anyway.

Since any type of pattern can be energized, the effect can appear to be good or bad. This dichotomy is basically an illusion. There is no good or bad….there is only vibrational patterns. It is the individual’s consideration, which puts the label of good or bad on the experience. In the big picture, all experiences are beneficial to the individual. But in the smaller picture, the person’s own current awareness and point of view will determine if the experience will beneficial or not.

To properly view the CE experience, one must be in good mental and physical condition. When the person is in a good condition, he can view the experience in a more exterior way. If the person is not in a good condition, the person can tend to get stuck in the vibrational pattern. Being stuck in ANY vibrational pattern is not conducive to elevation of awareness and raising consciousness.

CEv1 was very generic and contained only a narrow range of vibrational frequencies. CEv2 contains much more vibrational frequencies and in a more expanded range. This makes CEv2 potentially much more powerful.

Ok..but why the check sheet?

For CEv2 to be effective in elevating consciousness, the participant needs to be in both mentally and physically in good shape. CE is NOT a healing methodology per se, it is designed to resonate you with the universe. CE is NOT music, it is sound vibrations designed to create harmonic resonance of the quantum potential. If a person needs spiritual, mental of physical healing, that is the prerequisite for doing CEv2. If a person is on drugs, or medication, has depression, or anything else that prevents him from being stable both physically and mentally, they are not yet ready to do CEv2. The most important steps toward doing CE are to get the person’s problems handled first. If a person does CEv2 and has any of these problems, the person could have a negative physical or mental experience. Although there is nothing unnatural about the CE process and there is no permanent damage that can be done, the participant can still experience a temporary discomfort. It is not my intention to give a person a perceived negative effect.

For example: There are gradient steps to learning how to fly an airplane. One would not attempt to fly a plane the first time in the pilots seat! The negative effect could be crashing the airplane!

For those of you that have heard me talk at lectures and seminars know that I emphasize connecting the dots in the correct order for a person to properly understand and apply the data being discussed. The same applies to CE. To help people with the correct sequence of steps, I have implemented a check sheet for people to fill out. This will help determine the correct steps for each person. I want each participant to get the maximum benefit of CE as possible. It is my intention to deliver CE to anyone who wants the experience. But please understand that there are gradient steps to achieving a meaningful and rewarding experience with CE. Good mental and physical health is a priority and part of the essential gradient steps toward the CE experience and connecting with the universe.

Please note, it is outside of the purpose and goal of CE to heal or recommend any type of healing methodology. That is the participants’ responsibility.

I hope this helps.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at CE Ashiya and CE Tokyo!

Infinite Harmony,

Christopher Currell

* Please check this YouTube video…it basically demonstrates how sound can manipulate matter:

** Here is a picture showing what a wavelength is (please click “Images for wavelength”):

*** Please check this YouTube video…a simple explanation of Chaos Theory.
Sorry, this is English only.

Note: Currell Effect version 1 is no longer available. All the sessions are version 2.
