Currell Effect – カレルエフェクト


This article was written on 10. 6., 2013, and is filled under News, Report & Photo Gallery.

TOKYO REPORT: Talk Seminar「バイブレーションと現実の本質」





第3回東京ディスカッション会 – 7月15日

Report on Christopher’s Talk Seminar “Vibration and the Nature of Reality”

The talk seminar on June 1st at a nice location in Central Tokyo started with a vibrational tuning, an improvised performance by Christopher. His talk on characteristics of vibration, quantum physics, hyper-space, creativity, spirituality and the mechanisms of the Currell Effect, which is an audio experience that integrates all these aspects. He used cool graphics to explain them in a comprehensive way. Several participants commented that spiritual matter tends to be vague but Christopher explained it based on science and it was easy to understand and made sense. This talk seminar was an overview and some requested for a longer workshop/seminar, which explains these areas in detail.

First of all, we recommend you to experience the Currell Effect session, which is a consciousness expansion process using sound vibration. The next CE will be in Tokyo from July 13th to 15th. We will have a popular open and casual Discussion Group on the last day. Christopher is always viewing things from a “bigger picture” and members are invited, so we hope you can participate!


Discussion Group Tokyo No. 3 – July 15

