Plenum Void
The ‘nothingness’ which holds the potential of all things
《Plenum Void ~ プレナム・ヴォイド》とは:
2011年に音楽を使って若い世代を宇宙意識へと繋げることを目的としたPlenum Voidプロジェクトを開始するとともに、コンサートを2回開催しました。2012年からクリストファーは、人々の意識を高めるサウンドセッション《カレルエフェクト》の開発と開催に力を注ぎ、カレルエフェクトは今現在も順調に進んでいます。そこで、2019年に再びPlenum Voidのプロジェクトを再開することにしました!
作品全体にリズムとグルーブがありながら宇宙的な要素が漂っている、Plenum Voidのエレクトロニックミュージックをとおして、若者やハート若々しい人々にポジティブなメッセージが伝わり、ワクワクするようなインスピレーションが湧くことを願っています。
2011年のコンサートのために限定発売し完売しているPlenum VoidのCDを、2019年8月にカレルエフェクトにて正式にリリースしました!
Cosmic Cafe ~コズミック・カフェ
TT website “Music”ページ
Plenum Void Website
7月8日に出演させていただいたスピリチュアルTVでは、音楽およびクリストファーの最新の音楽プロジェクト(プレナム・ヴォイド)、カレルエフェクト、Be Do Have、ゴール達成、幸せとは、本当の学習など、さまざまな話が持ち上がり、楽しいひと時を過ごしました。
YouTube: 『be do have なる する える あらゆることに通じること』2019/7/8放送
次回は9月23日(月) 午後4時に出演します。
Plenum Void
The ‘nothingness’ which holds the potential of all things.
Christopher Currell
What is “Plenum Void”?
“Plenum” means a space completely filled with matter and “Void” means a completely empty space containing nothing.” It is a space that contains nothing yet has all the potentials. The theme of Christopher Currell’s music project is “Creation from Nothingness.”
In 2011, Plenum Void was created by Christopher Currell as a way for young people to connect via music to the universal consciousness. He also performed in two concerts. In 2012, Christopher started the “Currell Effect,” a sound session designed to help raise people’s consciousness and dedicated his time for its development and providing sessions. This project is still going very well. And in 2019, Christopher decided to re-launch the “Plenum Void” project!
The music is a plenum of styles all brought together as one. Plenum Void’s music can best be described as a high-energy electronic, rock, cosmic fusion of sounds that spread joy and light to all that listen, especially the younger generation and ones who are young at heart!
A limited special edition of “Plenum Void” CD was released for the concerts in 2011 and all 100 copies are sold out. The CD was officially released on Aug. 9, 2019 during the Currell Effect!
“Cosmic Cafe”
To commemorate the Plenum Void Kyoto Concert on July 14, 2011, we released 100 limited “Plenum Void” CDs and they were sold after two Kyoto concerts. In order to re-launch the Plenum Void music project after 8 years of absence, Christopher decided to re-release this limited edition CD in Aug. 2019.
Please enjoy the electronic music with rhythm and groove with cosmic elements flowing through the songs.
Shop (Japanese)
TT website “Music” page
Plenum Void Website
*Spiritual TV
In the show broadcasted on July 8, Christopher talked about various topics; such as, music and his newest music project “Plenum Void”, the Currell Effect, “Be, Do, Have”, goal accomplishment, happiness, what true study actually is, etc.
It will be wonderful if the information provided by Christopher can help people lead better lives.
We now have a list of all the YouTube videos of the Spiritual TV appearances on our TT website. There are total of 27 videos but we made 29 appearances!
YouTube: ”Be Do Have – Concerns Everything” – 2019/7/8
The next appearance is Sep. 23 (Mon) at 4:00 pm Japan time (Sun. 12:00 am, LA time).
*Other videos and interviews
Christopher’s interviews and lectures on Spiritual TV.
With Infinite Gratitude & Joy♫